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Benefits Of Double Glazed Windows

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Large glass window and doors allow abundant daylight to flow inside, creating a welcoming and pleasant ambience. But the glazing can enable heat to both enter and exit and increase your air conditioning and heating costs. Double glazing provides the ideal solution. Two or more panes with sealed pockets of air or gas help to reduce energy use and offer a range of other benefits. Read on to discover these in greater detail.

Maintains More Comfortable Indoors Environment

Double glazing minimises heat transfer through windows and doors which creates a more energy-efficient home in both summer and winter. By containing indoor winter heat and blocking outdoor summer heat, they help maintain indoor comfort no matter what the season. Thus, you can reduce your reliance on heating and cooling and save on energy costs. As well, your room temperatures will be more consistent, without hot or cold spots near windows and doors that can force you to adjust temperature controls unnecessarily, which can make other central areas too hot or cold as a result.

Reduces Condensation

Condensation forms on glazing when moist air comes into contact with a colder object or air, leading to unhealthy mould and mildew. When doors and windows use standard, inefficient glass, they can be at the centre of vast temperature differences between inside and outside—for instance, during winter when rooms are warm and the night air is cold. Double glazing minimises condensation because there is not such a vast temperature difference between the inner pane of the unit and the room temperature. The double glazing and the pocket of air buffers heat transfer, preventing it from escaping during winter.

Increases Home Security

While windows and doors provide vulnerable entry points for burglars, double glazing increases your home's security. Two panes create extra risk for burglars as the sound of broken glass can alert neighbours or bystanders. For a stronger barrier, insert laminated or toughened glazing in the unit.

Filters Noise

Double glazed windows can also help instil a tranquil, quiet atmosphere in your home by hindering outside noise from entering. To get the best effect, you can alter the gaps between the panes and use gas rather than air in between. These units inhibit medium- to high-frequency sounds, such as human voices. With the right adjustments, they can also help with lower frequency traffic noise, especially when combined with thick laminated glazing. Thus, even if you live near a busy road or airport, you can still enjoy the pleasant bright ambience that large windows and doors provide.

Consider using double glazed windows next time you need to replace a window. 
